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Golden Legacy Illustrated Black History Magazine

Endorsement from NAACP, National Urban League…

From Dr. Wesley, Former Executive Director of the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History and President of Central State College: "We have been aware of the visual presentation of history in its immediate values for learning both by children and adults. Your presentations in illustrated history form in color have been tried out by us on several children, and they have read and looked with deep interest, and have said that they had enjoyed this type of reading. These issues should be placed in the hands of all children, black and white, and they will learn the facts with less effort ...."
Golden Legacy Illustrated Black History Magazine
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[quote]Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to look over the copy of the first issue of Golden Legacy magazine. You are to be commended for your foresight in planning this particular kind of publication which will help to take care of a need which has been long recognized by all of us who work in the civil rights field. Our young people need to be informed about the work of outstanding [African American] citizens. Golden Legacy gives promise of being an important publication. Please accept my warm wishes for its success.[/quote]

Whitney M. Young, Jr., Executive Director
National Urban League, Inc.

[quote]Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: We at the Association for the Study of Afro-American Life and History have been waiting and interested in the publication of Golden Legacy as an aspect of [African American] History. We have been aware of the visual presentation of history in its immediate values for learning both by children and adults. Your presentations in illustrated history form in color have been tried out by us on several children, and they have read and looked with deep interest, and have said that they had enjoyed this type of reading. These issues should be placed in the hands of all children, black and white, and they will learn the facts with less effort …. [/quote]

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Wesley
Former Exec. Dir. of The Assoc. for the Study of Afro-American Life & History
and President of Central State College

[quote]Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: In my judgement, your proposed publication, “Golden Legacy,” can serve a valuable purpose in making accessible in simple terms to a broad population information regarding the part played by persons of African descent in the history and culture of the world. This is an essential objective in the attainment of a proper perspective on the place of [African Americans] in the long record of human development.[/quote]

Very Sincerely,
John A. Morsell, Assistant Executive Director
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Click for enlarged view

[quote]Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: I have looked through the issue of Toussaint L’ouverture and discussed the future plans of the Golden Legacy Magazine. I believe that this publication will serve a very useful purpose in bringing all of our children many important historical facts which have, for so long a time, been omitted from out textbooks. I know that teachers throughout the city are constantly asking for new materials for use in integrated classrooms and I believe that Golden Legacy will serve an important function in meeting that need.[/quote]

Albert Bronson, Coordinator, Curriculum Materials and Resources
Human Relations Unit
Board of Education of the City of New York

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